Santa Barbara Channelkeeper v. City of San Buenaventura
Ventura River Watershed Adjudication
Case No. 19STCP01176

Party and Overlier and Basin Lookup (Status)

A map dated January 31, 2022 showing the names of parties who have appeared in the Ventura River Watershed Adjudication and the locations of their parcels and/or claims to water rights is available here.

To find out if you are a named party in the Ventura River Adjudication matter, please search either by name or APN on the following list: Cross Defendant Spreadsheet

To find out if you were provided notice of the pending action as required by Code of Civil Procedure section 836, please search either by name or APN on the following list: Overlier Spreadsheet

The Basin Spreadsheet provides a list of all APNs overlying the four groundwater basins in the Ventura River Watershed as provided by DWR: Basin Spreadsheet

If you have any further questions about your status in the case, please feel free to reach out to:

Patrick D. Skahan
Best Best & Krieger LLP
300 South Grand Ave., 25th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone: (213) 617-8100
Direct: (213) 542-3869 or x2529
Fax: (213) 617-7480

Webpage last updated: Spreadsheets are current as of 3/12/21 and are subject to change.